Arnold Schonberg was born in Austria in 1874. For a time he worked in a bank as his family had economic(52)      following the death of his father, but eventually he achieved his real ambition (抱负) which was to become a composer.
  It is well-known that many people find it extremely difficult to (53) u      Schonberg’s music. It is less well-known that Schonberg was absolutely terrified of the number thirteen. He was born on 13th September and considered that this (54)       (mean) that the number thirteen would be unlucky for him. His fear of the number became so great that he began to be worried by any number that could be (55) d      by 13. He believed that he would die on his sixty-fifth birthday as sixty-five is the number (56)       (produce) when five is multiplied by thirteen. In fact Schonberg (57)      on until 1951, when he was seventy-six; this did not bother him until somebody mentioned that if you add seven and six together you get thirteen. This was (58) s       else for him to worry about but he told his friends that if he (59) m      to live until his next birthday, he would be safe for some time. Sadly, he died later that year—it was on the thirteenth day of the month.


全国中学生英语能力测评(National EnglishProficiency Test for Secondary School Students,英文简称NEPTS)是经教育部正式批准的目前我国唯一的全国中学英语学科测试,是全国性的中学英语教学的评价手段和重要的激励机制,其考试成绩已成为中学生升学、留学、高校优先录取、加分、面试等必备条件或重要参考依据。





发布人:圣才电子书 发布日期:2021/09/14 浏览次数:36